Creative Hub



Sustainable Pricing for your Creative Business

As we grow our creative businesses, we are mindful of our vision and values. These values might include social impact, diversity and sustainability. Other aspects might also feature, depending on your own particular focus. In any case, if our creative enterprises are to continue doing great work over the long term, they also need to be financially sustainable.
That means we need to combine our vision, values and objectives on the one hand, with a financially robust business model on the other. The right decisions about pricing are crucial if our creative enterprises are to survive and thrive financially, so we can continue to do great work.

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Workshop Seminar with the Swiss Cultural Challenge

In cooperation with the Swiss Cultural Challenge, Creative Hub in Basel offered a five-part workshop seminar entitled "Working Model, Finance & Law". The sponsors of the Creative Business Coaching funding program from Creative Hub and the Swiss Cultural Challenge received exciting insights into various aspects of the creative economy and were able to work on their skills as creative entrepreneurs.

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Coopération entre le Creative Hub et « Digital Ideation »

« Digital Ideation » est un cursus de bachelor proposé par la Haute école spécialisée de Lucerne qui combine informatique et design. Depuis 2018, Creative Hub coopère avec ce cursus et transmet son savoir-faire dans le cadre du module « Corporate Innovation & Entrepreneurship ». Fin septembre, les 18 étudiants inscrits ont commencé leur cinquième semestre au tout nouveau campus Zoug-Rotkreuz de la Haute école spécialisée de Lucerne.

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A look back at eight years of pioneering work in promoting the creative industries