Creative Hub


Our mission

We, the Creative Hub, are a promoting platform and we have a clear mission: Since 2013 we have been helping Swiss creative talent to commercialise innovative products and services – economically, ecologically or socially. In addition to advanced training modules and networking events we also offer access to a wide network. With these three elements we achieve something unique: an effective market introduction system for talented creative minds in Switzerland. Here we receive support from other notable partners.

Our coaching

Our coaching gives creative minds targeted support to implement their business ideas and make them a success. You learn how to define a realistic business model and make it market-ready, to establish a company for it, organise it, and much more. Our experienced coaches and experts show you where the potential and the pitfalls lie. We also communicate the businesses of the people we coach and help them network. Participants in our coaching are also automatically entitled to take part in the Creative Business Cup, which generates national and international attention.

Our target groups

When selecting participants for coaching we are guided by a high standard: We are on the lookout for creative and ambitious professionals and interdisciplinary teams, who work inventively and artistically and use their talent to create something outstanding. Whether it is as software or game designer, architect, photographer or filmmaker, product, industrial, fashion or media designer, artisan, visual or performing artist, musician or writer. And from any language region in Switzerland.

A look back at eight years of pioneering work in promoting the creative industries